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Person Search Made Easy!

Why will person search help you?

I bet you've all come here because you are curious about people search. Well, you've come to the right place! I'm surprised by how few people know how easy it is to find someone from your past, so I created a page solely for that purpose. Silva is my name, and I'm ex-army. Hurrah. I'm a mother of two and a wife of two. Kidding. I'm really only a wife of one... and one is enough, thank you very much. I know a lot of how to find people online, and doing background check which I have shared and plan to continue sharing on this site. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything special you'd like to see addressed here.

June Updates!
Ann and I are having the greatest time together. I never realized how much I missed her until we started hanging out a lot. And who do I have to thank for this? People searching! Woo hoo! Not to toot my own horn, but this is just proof that I give good advice. Okay, before I continue go read this hilarious list of Iron Man Accessories. Totally funny. Then you can go here to read up on background check. Or here for background search. See ya next time!

May Updates!
Getting back in touch with Ann has been wonderful. I'm so delighted she found me! I never would have guessed that all my help to find people would lead someone to find me! Ha! Ann has also been giving me some good people finder links, so check them out. Also, here's a fascinating article on how to brew your own beer.

April Updates!
So here's a funny story: Ann was trying to do a people search to find a playmate she remembered from kindergarten. So she searched the web for people finder sites and found my page. She didn't need to use them though - because I was the person she was looking for! What an amazing coincidence! Who knew I'd be on the other end of someone doing a people search? Anyway, so we're back in touch. She sent me this hilarious list of places to hide from the law, and I sent her information about benefits of vitamins.

March Updates!
A few months ago a woman named Janice sent me an email that she'd used my address find links to track down a high school flame using the links on my page. Well, she just sent me an update that I had to share with you:

Sylvia, thank u so much for your site. Thanks to your links to search people, Gregory and I have been dating for a few months now, and he's even asked me to be his wife! This never would have happened without your site. Thank you so much!

Wow, it's always inspiring to have that affect in people's lives. See how wonderful people find can be? Anyway, I also just wanted to share this funny rant to garfield minus garfield.

February Updates!
I just want to thank everyone who wrote in after my last entry. Don't worry, I promise I won't abandon you. I'll keep posting, keep giving you links. I know how much that means to all you. (Especially after you all sent me so many emails!) It really filled my heart and made me remember why I work so hard to do this in the first place. It's so important to be able to stay in touch with friends, new and old, and the ability to search people is an important part of that. Thanks for all of your suggestions of people searches links. I'm sure they will be super helpful finding people. Enjoy

January Updates!
You know, it's funny that I keep updating this website when I feel like I've already found all the people I would ever want to find in my life. It's not that I'm snobby, just that my life feels so full. The holidays really drove that home for me. I just relish the time I get to spend with people I love and care about, and it fills me up inside, so that I don't really feel like I need anything else in my life. Do you know what I mean? Then, of course, the New Year hits you like enemy artillery fire, and suddenly you wish you could be surrounded by those people again--and maybe even want to find more. Anyway, that's just a way of saying that I don't have any new people search stories for you, but I do have new links! Enjoy!
people finder
search people
usa people seek

December Updates!
We just got done with Christmas, and I got to see my hubby all to myself. What a treat! The best gift is always loved ones. Way better than any material items...well, maybe except for shoes! Anyway, I gotta head out to do some after-Christmas shopping and there's no time to waste! Before I go, here is a people search link and another helpful link, how to find a contractor. With my husband gone so much, I need one.
Find Person
Finding a Contractor

November Updates!
I am unbelievably full from yesterday still. We were up at 4am shopping this morning, and just got home after having finished most of it. The rest I am going to do online. Speaking of doing things online, people searching in all forms is on the rise! I was just reading an article about it here: - Finding Email Addresses Online. Check it out if you've the time (or you need to find an email online. If you need to find people or do a person search, check out either of those sites for tips and tricks on how to best go about it. Of course, our older month's updates are always a good source as well.

October Updates!
Well, life hasn't slowed down at all lately, but I have had a little more time this month to find some new people search related site recommendations to share with all of you. The first one is about being your very own private eye, which you gotta know I'm going to be interested in. :o). The next one is about how to find someone online... which is especially important this time of year with the holidays coming up. Let me tell you, I waited way too long in my life to find my step brother, and now I wish I would have made the effort so much earlier. Don't make the same mistake as me! So... check it out if you're so inclined. Either way, have a happy Halloween, and I'll see you all next month (hopefully)!

September Update!
Hello again! Things have been crazy in my house lately. My husband is taking a sabbatical and it's like we're on a second honeymoon. He is home all the time, and just so... available to spend time with! It's bad though, because he needs to find a hobby or actually do some research so I can get back to getting my daily tasks done. Anyway, as a result of the madness I only have one good people search link for you today. Check it out and hopefully next time I'll have more!
Finding People Blog

August Update!! (Finally)
Hi!! I apologize for being so flaky with this site. I really did intent to update it more often than this, but my kids have been out of school and have taken up all my time, which I love. I feel like I don't get to spend enough time with them during the school year. They are constantly at school, or sports practice, or at a friend's house. So, it's been nice to spend some quality time together and take a couple mini-trips. Now, they are in camp, which leaves me time to do my own thing, and catch up on the things I love, like people searching. Old habits die hard. When I was in the military I was always finding people and searching for people online. Even though I am a stay at home mom now, I still like to use people search engines and check people out, especially those people who work with my children. I have found some pretty good blogs and sites that have been helpful for me. It's nice to know that there are others out there who share in my passion.
People Finder Blog
Find Your Real Parents
Be back soon!

June Updates!!
Hi, I'm back again with more of the person search updates you all love :) Kids are still in camp this week, but this is there last week, so I figured I should get my people search blog in before they have me running around in all different directions. I have some more people search resources to recommend. If you need help finding your way through the people search maze then be sure to check out these ways to find people: Person Search Website
And although not exclusively people search relates, but always a good laugh Giant Lists - We Hate it When this is my favorite list... But there are tons of lists and some great people search ones too.